ACDA is divided into seven geographic regions and fifty state chapters. National conventions are held in February or March of odd numbered years and divisional conventions take place during the same time of year in even numbered years. The American Choral Directors Association has it’s national headquarters in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. You can find more about the organization at the national web site. Dr. Tim Sharp is the Executive Secretary of this 22,000 member organization.

The northwest division of ACDA consists of Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, and Alaska. Our northwest website is a source for a large number of articles written by R&S leaders and other officers, as well as for information about the divisional conference.

Browse this site for information on the choral activities in Idaho. You’ll be able to locate our board members and officers, read some great articles, and find out about our great Sun Valley Retreat which is held in October each year.

If you are a choral director, we urge you to join ACDA. You will find a cordial welcome and hundreds of colleagues. Our publications and conventions provide a wealth of practical ideas and a forum for developing your skills.

You can also enjoy the links to some of our colleges and university choral programs.

Visit the websites of the other ACDA chapters in our Northwest division:
