Thank you for your interest in registering 6-8th grade singers for the IMEA Middle School Honor Choir, sponsored by IDACDA. This ensemble will chaired by Kerry Calveryly and guest conducted by Dr. Matthew Meyers.

Dr. Matthew Meyers
Dr. Matthew Myers serves as associate director of choral activities and assistant professor of choral music education at WSU. He conducts the University Singers and Treble Choir and teaches courses in …
Middle School singers will submit an audio AUDITION for participation. This audition is recorded into the form below and submitted with this form. We will need to know the singer’s full name, gender, grade, t-shirt size, home address, parent/guardian name, email and phone. There is a $10 non-refundable registration fee for each middle school singer.
The audio audition
To audition, singers will sing-a-long with a backtrack and record their audio audition directly into the form on this page. You can save your form and we’ll email you a link so you can come back to it as needed. Please do not lose this link.
Each singer will (1) sing a two-octave F major scale on “la” in their preferred octave (drop out when it gets too low), (2) a series of intervals (D major triad, D minor triad, D tri-tone, 1-8-7 starting on D), and (3) Happy Birthday, Dear Abbie in D major.
Singers are encouraged to rehearse their audition before submitting.
Please submit a balanced ensemble (eg. 3 sopranos, 3 altos, 3 tenors, 3 basses, or 5 sopranos, 5 altos, 5 tenors, and 5 basses).