Thank you for your interest in registering elementary (4-6th grade) singers for the IMEA Elementary Honor Choir, sponsored by IDACDA. This ensemble will be chaired by Sarah Davids and guest conducted by Lynn Brinckmeyer.

Sarah Davids

Sarah Davids was born and raised in Pocatello, Idaho.  She graduated from Pocatello High School in 1999 and from Idaho State University in 2003 with a Bachelor of Music Education degree …

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Dr. Lynn M. Brinckmeyer

Dr. Lynn M. Brinckmeyer is Professor of Music, Associate Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication and Director of Choral Music Education at Texas State University …

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Elementary singers are NOMINATED by their director. They do not need to submit an audition. We will need to know the singer’s full name, gender, grade, t-shirt size, home address, parent/guardian name, email and phone. There is a $10 registration fee for each elementary singer.

Please nominate a balanced ensemble (eg. 3 sopranos and 3 altos or 5 sopranos and 5 altos).