1. Get informed

Please download the following documents and read through them carefully.

For Jr. High School directors

An invitational letter to all Jr. High directors with a checklist, details, payment option information, and deadlines.

For singers and parents

Directors should download, print, distribute and collect this registration packet from each singer and parent or guardian.

2. Submit audition with registration

Teachers of singers in grades 6-9 submit singer auditions and an audition fee of $10 per singer. This fee can be paid by credit card or purchase order. The audition consists of a 2-octave F Major scale (sing all pitches that they are able to sing); a D Major triad; a D minor triad; a D tritone triad; a 1-8-7 interval; and Happy Birthday, Dear Abby in D Major. Singers should practice and perform their audition with the following backtrack:

NOTE: The audition can recorded directly into the webpage using your computer’s built-in microphone, OR you can record and upload audio files.

You will need to know singers’ name; t-shirt size; gender (male/female/unstated); grade; voice part (soprano/alto/tenor/bass); home address; and parent/guardian name/phone/email.

Auditions close midnight of 12/15/23.

3. Accept and pay tuition

Once singer auditions have been evaluated, teachers will be notified by email of who has been accepted into the All-State Middle School Honor Choir. Teachers will be invoiced $115 per singer; to be paid by credit card or purchase order.

4. Get sheet music and practice files

ACDA has purchased original copies of the music. Music will be mailed to directors January 8th after fees and forms have been received. It is the director’s responsibility to distribute sheet music to singers and to make sure students bring their music to the Honor Choir event. No photocopies of the music will be permitted for use during the Honor Choir event.

Please check back here on January 8, 2024 for practice files.


The following directors have submitted auditions for the All-State Middle School Choir:

No singer auditions submitted.

No entries found.