Kerry Calverley has been working with children’s and youth choirs of all levels for 30 years. Kerry is the artistic director for the Opera Idaho Children’s Choruses and the Kiwanis Boys Choir in Boise. Previously, Kerry taught at East Junior High School in the Boise School District. Also in the Boise area, she has been a musical director of adult and children’s choirs at Trinity Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church. These positions also included co-directing musical theater productions for the singers in these programs. Previously, while living in Ukiah, California, Kerry created and implemented the Ukiah Community Children’s Chorus while also leading a K-8 music program at St. Mary’s of the Angels School and teaching music classes for Near & Arnold’s School of Performing Arts & Cultural Education (SPACE).
Kerry also taught in Lodi, California at Bear Creek High School and at John Muir Elementary, leading choirs at both levels and locations. Kerry is a graduate of California State University-Fresno where she has a degree in Music Education and Vocal Performance, also previously studying voice at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln. Kerry has been involved in various opera workshops, including starring in Menotti’s The Telephone, a Rhinemaiden in Wagner’s Das Rheingold, as well as leading roles in Wiz, Grease and performing in L’il Abner and The Music Man. Kerry has also served as an accompanist for various performing groups through the years.
Kerry is married to Steve and has 2 daughters, Allison, a recent graduate of University of Idaho, and Kate in Boise. Kerry also works in real estate and is currently working on some historic home renovations. She loves to cook, entertain, play tennis, hike and travel.